I sensed a religious undertone in the movie Wonder Woman 2017.
Gal Gadot is a Jew. Ze is a God-killer. Ares is the son of the King God Zeus. Ze parallels YHWH. Who is the Son of YHWH? Ze is Jesus Christ. WW killed Ares, just like the Jews killed Jesus two millennia ago. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb of God.
If you are Christian you know that the New Testament throws out the laws of the Torah / Old Testament. This parallels with Ares killing Zeus in the movie Wonder Woman 2017.
In the Wonder Woman 2017 movie, Ares influenced the Nazis to commit persecution of people. Fact: The Nazis persecuted the Jews. The most evil of them were those who wore Christian crosses and displayed the insignia “God With Us”. Notice in the movie the Christian crosses on the Nazis. True fact: The Nazis wore Christian crosses during the Western Holocaust. This is the reason why most religious Jews are against Christianity.
How can we solve the Religion Puzzle?
Here comes my Grand Final Solution:
Do Right Nopibunbians.
It is written as a puzzle itself, but it is much simpler than the Religion Puzzle.
You can learn from your religion. Jews can learn from the Torah. Christians can learn from the bible. Still speaking! Yeah! Nopibunbians can learn from the Book of Nopibunbe. The bible was written two millennia ago. Two thousand years and you have learnt nothing? Impossible. Unbelievable. We have learnt how to do the right thing.

Take home message: You can learn from your religious book, but do the right thing.