
幸福的伦理 (Ethics of Happiness)


  • 幸福是人的终极标竿和存在的目的端。
  • 幸福不是享受或美德。它是美德的运动。
  • 一个人的幸福,实现在人的生命过后。因此,它是不是暂时的情况乃是人生的目标。
  • 幸福是人性的完善。因为人是理性的动物,所以人的幸福是靠着理论的活动。
  • 幸福取决于获取的品德。一个人在生活中显示勇气,慷慨,正义,友谊,和公民的美德。这些道德包括平衡在过剩和不足之间。
  • 幸福需要智慧的沉思,因为这是我们的理性的能力,最终实现。

Happiness 127

According to Aristotle, what is happiness?

  • Happiness is the ultimate end and purpose of human existence
  • Happiness is not pleasure, nor is it virtue. It is the exercise of virtue.
  • Happiness cannot be achieved until the end of one’s life. Hence it is a goal and not a temporary state.
  • Happiness is the perfection of human nature. Since man is a rational animal, human happiness depends on the exercise of his reason.
  • Happiness depends on acquiring a moral character, where one displays the virtues of courage, generosity, justice, friendship, and citizenship in one’s life. These virtues involve striking a balance or “mean” between an excess and a deficiency.
  • Happiness requires intellectual contemplation, for this is the ultimate realization of our rational capacities.

Aristotle: Pioneer of Happiness

Ethical Christianity (EC)



Christians can lie.

Christians can cheat.

Christians can hate.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this should not be so.

All Christians need to go for a course in Ethics and Integrity.



Don’t think that something is right just because you “feel” it is right.

If you think just by reading the bible you have a complete understanding of Ethics and Morality, you are wrong.

Hitler read the bible too, and he sure used it effectively in his propaganda, resulting in the Western Holocaust, the persecution of millions of Jews, Homosexuals, Disabled People etc.

Ethical principles are derived from philosophical analysis, from fundamental universal axioms.

Some related readings for Ethical Christianity:



Charles Camosy
For Love Of Animals
Christian Ethics, Consistent Action



Hugh Price Hughes
Ethical Christianity
Forgotten Books

I am a simple man so many philosophical concepts are way above my head.

If you only know one you should know this principle: The Golden Rule:
Do to others what you would want them to do to you.

If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition, I cannot agree with you – Q&A

A person should not be punished for being born this way.

1984 Apple’s First Macintosh Commercial