The Love Command

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:37-39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Love Command: Make an intention to BE “love”, and see how your body instantly responds with the welling up of a warm, happy feeling. – Playing In Time And Space: The Miracle of Inspired Manifestations – Kindle edition by Richard Dotts.

Kelly Clarkson – Heartbeat Song

Rainbow Heart of Love
Rainbow Heart of Love
Gay subway proposal an Internet hit in China
Miley Cyrus Releases Gay Rights Anthem ‘Hands Of Love’
Pope Francis met gay couple at Vatican embassy in US

Lovely Songs Around The World

( 1 ) Vanessa Mae – I’m a Doun For Lack of Johnnie music video by circuitsage
( 2 ) 东方之珠 (滚石群星1991年TVB版) by zhjluster
( 4 ) He Leadeth Me_Hymnal_MV by lifemodes
( 5 ) I Call You by Rita Springer.wmv by betvasquez
( 6 ) Give Thanks To The Lord – Hodu La’Adonai by LevyBlahut
( 7 ) Come Spirit of God – Bo Ruach Elohim – Adonai by imlivn4jesus
( 8 ) Shimcha Kadosh by wadowheels
( 9 ) Ma Navu (How Beautiful) by wadowheels
( 10 ) Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai (with lyrics) ברוך הבא בשם יהוה by aschat777
( 11 ) Ein Kamocha Elohim.wmv by ryantjie
( 12 ) Kumi Ori קומי אורי Arise and shine. Isaiah 60. by manalrium440mmk
( 13 ) El Gibor v’El Elyon – Lyrics and Translation by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 14 ) Enya – Echoes In Rain by enyatv
( 15 ) Enya – Only Time (Official Music Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 16 ) Enya – May It Be by Marius Malmstrøm
( 17 ) Enya – We are free now by Namy90
( 18 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 迷幻Fantasy(高畫質HD完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 19 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 大藝術家The Great Artist (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 20 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – Dr. Jolin(華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 21 ) Madonna – Bedtime Story (Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 22 ) Madonna – Ray Of Light by Warner Bros. Records
( 23 ) Beautiful Stranger~As Made Famous By Madonna by Sandy PichoneVille
( 24 ) Lady Gaga – Bad Romance by LadyGagaVEVO
( 25 ) Firework – Katy Perry lyrics by HopeLoveEarth
( 26 ) Stronger- Kelly Clarkson Lyrics by YayMoreZelda4Me
( 27 ) Oh The Blood / Ho Damo – Joshua Aaron – Lyrics by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 28 ) 一切都更新 (All Things New) – 約書亞樂團 by HosannaTheHighest ch
( 29 ) 一世人跟隨你 by washseacbcmember 古麟
( 30 ) 仰望/盛曉玫 by 陳思年
( 31 ) 腳步-盛曉玫-泥土音樂 by Ginlin Liao
( 32 ) 盛曉玫-《好好的過》 by hi44775828
( 33 ) 盼望 Hope – 盛曉玫 by HosannaTheHighest ch

Facebook Dislike Button

The Facebook Dislike Button is for people who are actively searching for things they don’t like, which some people love to do. Some people love to complain. They complain about how certain things are being done even though they have no ability to do it themselves. Some Christians complain that a disadvantaged minority is going to get equal rights under the law, because they fear that somehow or another their own rights would be in jeopardy, even though this fear is unfounded.

I have trolls who are very eager to throw in racist, homophobic, or hate speech whenever they find an opportunity to do so. They are smart too. Some of them combine hate speech with praising/slandering political parties and create WhatsApp-ready wildfire gossips.

Chin Chia Cham
Chin Chia Cham



蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 不一樣又怎樣 We’re All Different, Yet The Same (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV)

It’s not a choice

I can understand why a lot of people especially those with identity sexual orientation say that it is a choice.

They have experienced persecution in history e.g. during Hitler’s Holocaust.

To say that they were born this way is to admit that they were born lesser beings, disabled people.

Hitler had a strong dislike for disabled people, and he was a very powerful man.

Disabled people would be exterminated by Hitler.

Therefore, those with identity sexual orientation would proclaim that it is a choice, like a fashion.

This way, Hitler would not kill them, because they could easily change their sexual orientation.

Science and technology has progressed by leaps and bounds.

The smart phone that you hold in your hands today has more computing power than all of NASA when they sent the first man to the moon.

This lie cannot be upheld any more.

It is not a choice. It is in your DNA. Soon, you will have nowhere to hide.

It is time to speak out against persecution.

Christians hold many powerful positions in the world today, because many Christian have high moral values.

The danger is in reading only one book. This would result in a closed mind.

Did you know that even the wordings of this one book was strongly debated when it was written?

There is a powerful feedback loop that is going on in the Earth’s propaganda.

The notion that humans with nonstandard sexual orientations are decadent, repulsive, going to hell etc.

This is not true.

People with nonstandard sexual orientations can be perfectly normal Christians.

Please, let us share the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ with these people.

All humans have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

YHWH is Infinite Justice. All humans have to die because of their sins. (Ezekiel 18:20)

Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is Infinite Mercy. All who believe in Him would be saved and have everlasting life. (John 3:15)



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Kelly Clarkson – Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)