Game Theory of Being

I’m inspired by John Nash’s Game Theory and the movie A Beautiful Mind.

Here is my understanding:

“The best outcome is achieved when every player helps himself and helps others at the same time.”

The Nobel Prize winner had been diagnosed with schizophrenia but that was before human beings discovered effective medicine to control it. God’s blessing can come in many forms like doctors and medicine.

I’m also inspired by the science fiction fantasy movie Stargate SG-1 The Ark of Truth:

“Don’t fight for yourself. Fight for others.” ~ spoken by an African Head Honcho.

These two statements are similar. The reason is that when you help another being, he/she/ze immediately thinks highly of you. The other being is inspired by you.

I’m grateful for all the beings who had helped me. I shall always remember them. I’m grateful for all the beings who have spoken kind words to me. I’m also happy for the beings who have good thoughts about me.

Being a human being is about being. Music, meditation, and massage (3Ms) can help you to experience being.

Head Honcho 3Ms Being Wins Love
Head Honcho 3Ms Being Wins Love

Don’t speak badly of other people. Is somebody speaking badly of others to you? Watch out. Ze could be speaking badly of you to others too. Always speak well of other people.

Avoid temptation. Don’t look. When you see something lustfully, you are trapped. This is the sin against your holy temple which is inside your body. All other sins are outside your body.

Always say the truth when it will benefit you and other beings. I know that some of you would want to withhold the truth thinking that it would benefit you and other beings. Sometimes it is necessary. Eventually, the truth will come to light. Always make plans to reveal the truth early as it will benefit you and other beings.

Thanksgiving and Praise or Terok and Pariah

Homophobic Orcs use the Terok to curse. They feel a sense of power from the dark side. At the same time they feel righteous. They think that they are God’s soldiers. By persecuting a minority group (1/10 or 1/60 or 1/72) they can feel the power from the dark side.

Minority Report

The Jews were a minority. They had no country. They were easy targets for the dark side.

The German Nazis under Hitler committed great atrocities against the Jews during the Western Holocaust.

The Japanese Imperial Army under the Dark Emperor caused great atrocities against the Chinese/Korean POWs during the Eastern Holocaust.

The Chinese Imperial Army under the Dark Emperor caused great atrocities against the slaves during the building of the Great Wall of China.

The Vietnamese Communist Army under the Dark Communist caused great atrocities against the rich businessmen during the Boat People Crisis.

The gays are a minority.

Personality splits as a result of tension in the fabric of personality.

This occurs when society does not accept who you are.

Gays have to lead double lives.

The Terok Dictates Pariah Law

The Terok dictates Pariah law that creates a dark environment ruled by the dark side. It brings people back in time to the dark ages, where Christians are forbidden to say the Name of God. Under the Pariah law, The no-Gays persecute the Gays. Gays are punished because they were born this way. They have to hide their Gayety from the no-Gays. The Gays have to live by a strict Code of Secrecy. They have to obscure this fact about who they are. They must not let the no-Gays know about themselves. Otherwise they will be punished severely. The practice of Gayety is verboten. In the Pariah society, Gays have to live in fear. They cannot even let their family members know that they were born this way. In the Pariah society, even parents will beat up their children for being born this way. Followers of the Terok describe Gays as attempting to “brainwash” through a type of “dark proxy propaganda war” spread through television, movies, and the Internet. The Homophobic Orcs say that Homosexuality is knocking on the door of Orcs around the Galaxy. The followers of Terok say that Gays strive hard to render the world of Terok weak and defenceless. Orcs are being confronted with an agenda that is well-planned, well-organized, well-funded, and unyielding. The Homophobic Orcs say that this agenda is determined to break the resistance of the Terok world. The followers of Terok say that Gays are more dangerous than a nuclear war, which is not only offensive, but indicates an alarming bigotry. The Homophobic Orcs even tweeted that Homosexuals should be killed. The Terok renders the lives of Homosexuals unlawful and defines Gays as an accursed sin by God in the Terok. The followers of Terok claim that the world will fall into even more terrible degeneracy. The Homophobic Orcs commit acts of violence. The Pariah society does not accept the lives of Gays. They feel dark power from harming Gays. Recall the 20160612 mass shooting by an agent of the dark forces. Rumour has it that he was a homophobic homosexual. I feel sad for those who were harmed. I feel sad for the homophobic homosexual who had to go through unbearable and unresolvable emotional pain and suffering that resulted in his outburst of hate and anger.

Gays are forced to lead double lives. When this happens, their personality splits.

You never know what happens when you split the fabric of personality. One may become less good. One may even turn to the dark side.

Living in Opportunity

While Gays are a minority, they are quite sizeable, roughly one tenth of every society. This genetic trait is roughly the same in all societies. It is a true fact that it occurs in the Animal Kingdom as well.

Homophobic Orcs persecute the Gay people. They enjoy cursing. They gain dark energy from cursing. Homophobic Orcs draw power from the dark side. They would rather keep the Gays as a persecuted minority.

Somebody needs to speak up. Most Gays dare not speak up. They prefer to lead their secret lives. While there is much propaganda against Gays, Gays are still not actively persecuted.

Therefore the light side is living in opportunity. Speak up for the persecuted. Use logic and facts. Argue against bigoted religious dogma. Be true followers of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



Thanksgiving and Praise or Dogmatic Terok enforces Pariah Law
Thanksgiving and Praise or Dogmatic Terok enforces Pariah Law

Thanksgiving and Praise or Dogmatic Terok enforces Pariah Law.


We Believe

We believe most Germans, Japanese, Gays, Muslims, Chinese, and Vietnamese are good eggs. You only need one bad egg to cause a lot of harm. For example the bad egg Hitler. Most people are sheeple. They just follow what their leaders tell them. Most people are automatons. They just do as they are told. One bad egg can influence millions of sheeple or automatons.

Don’t let a few bad eggs cause you to make sweeping generalizations about a particular race, religion, or sexual orientation group.


May God Help Us

May God help the people of the light side spread peace and love.

It is a constant battle. The battlefield is in your mind.

You never fully get rid of your internal demons. You learn to live above them. You learn to live with your internal angels.

Most people are good at heart. Therefore the universe is mostly benevolent. Therefore the Creator of Heaven and Earth is mostly benevolent.

God wants His people to live in peace and harmony. This also means internal peace and harmony for each individual.

The people of the light side seek to promote peace and harmony.

看哪,弟兄和睦同居 是何等地善,何等地美!
诗篇 133:1

How to achieve this light? Follow the true teachings of Jesus. Love and compassion wins. When you are enlightened you are with the bright side. You see the world and everything in it as miracles.

Give thanks for the lovely blue diamond Earth that we inherited. Thanksgiving is gratefulness to God. Sing Praises to our LORD, Adonai, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, 耶和华, יהוה. Thank you, Jesus, 耶稣, ישוע. Thank you, Holy Spirit, 圣灵, רוח אלוהים. Blessed be Our Creator for all eternity. He is great and exceedingly praiseworthy.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Let us make Middle Earth (MEarth) great again. Middle Earth First. Middle Kingdom Second. Make MEarth great again. Keep MEarth great. God Bless MEarth!!!

We have to build a Great Mirror to protect MEarth from Illegal Hordes of Orcs coming from the planet of Terok. They may open dimensional portals to try to enter illegally into MEarth. They don’t like their own Pariah society so they want to go to a freer non-Pariah society. Then they want to convert the non-Pariah society to a Pariah society. That is why we need to build the Great Mirror to shield ourselves from Terok. They haven’t realized it yet but the Orcs from Terok are going to pay for the building of the Great Mirror. No question about it.

Chinese Transliteration Christian Songs (Simplified & Traditional + English Meaning)

Join the light side. See things in a positive light. There is great power in positive thinking. You make everybody happy. Most importantly you make yourself happy. The happy thoughts that you enjoy yourself telepathically broadcast and transmit to other Humans around you. Other Humans receive your happy thoughts and also get enlightened. It’s a true fact. Be happy and those around you will be happy. Some people are sad. Try to make them happy. But be careful. Happiness follows the dynamics of flows. Watch out that the sad people do not drain away your happiness and suck you dry. You need to be overflowing with happiness before you can help others. Happiness comes from everlasting life. How can you overflow with the living waters of everlasting life? There is only one way. Believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In Him is all forgiveness of sins. In Him there is no shame. In Him is freedom, truth, and love. Those who trust in God receive health, wisdom, and love. They become people of the light. The people on the light side spread peace, joy, and love. With the light side are mirth, gaiety, and cheerfulness.


Always look on the bright side of life!

Blessed are the meek, save the homophobes

Blessed meek save homophobes.

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth.

Homophobes are actually repressed homosexuals.

Do you know why? Let me explain.

For a non-gay, the love of girls comes naturally. They were born that way. They never learned to do that. The love of guys just doesn’t exist. They accept that different people have different desires. These are the people who are strongly in favour of human rights for GBLT people.

It is the gay person who realizes that he has this tendency to love guys. He is taught by religious dogma that this desire is vile and must be suppressed. He lives in fear of being found out. He craves what he cannot get. Fear leads to hate.

When people crave the things they cannot get, they become fearful and hateful. Hence the common advice for homosexuals is to marry a wife. This leads to the propagation of the gay gene. This also explains why parents become so violent when they find out their child is a gay. They have become so indoctrinated by the religious dogma of homophobia, fear, and self-hate that they pour out this anger onto their child.

Although it goes against all reason, I must bring up another Hitler analogy. Did you know that Hitler fell madly in love with a Jewish girl? This is a true fact. He felt agonized by her rejection and unrequited love. The rest of the story is all too well known. The Holocaust was one of the worst human rights disasters in human history. Hitler’s Nazi followers gassed millions of Jews to death in German Gas Chambers. I’m not surprised if the Nazi murderer of the homosexuals was himself a repressed homosexual.

Blessed meek save homophobes

I wouldn’t want to defend Hitler but I would want to save the homophobes before it is too late.

God loves you just the way you are.

It’s not too late. I know you want to be free of this pain. You’re being torn apart. We love you. You have the strength to do it. We will help you. Come home.

Killing Jesus Trailer on YouTube –

Hidden Inverted Rainbow (HIR)
Hidden Inverted Rainbow (HIR)

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.

The Love Command

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:37-39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Love Command: Make an intention to BE “love”, and see how your body instantly responds with the welling up of a warm, happy feeling. – Playing In Time And Space: The Miracle of Inspired Manifestations – Kindle edition by Richard Dotts.

Kelly Clarkson – Heartbeat Song

Rainbow Heart of Love
Rainbow Heart of Love
Gay subway proposal an Internet hit in China
Miley Cyrus Releases Gay Rights Anthem ‘Hands Of Love’
Pope Francis met gay couple at Vatican embassy in US

Lovely Songs Around The World

( 1 ) Vanessa Mae – I’m a Doun For Lack of Johnnie music video by circuitsage
( 2 ) 东方之珠 (滚石群星1991年TVB版) by zhjluster
( 4 ) He Leadeth Me_Hymnal_MV by lifemodes
( 5 ) I Call You by Rita Springer.wmv by betvasquez
( 6 ) Give Thanks To The Lord – Hodu La’Adonai by LevyBlahut
( 7 ) Come Spirit of God – Bo Ruach Elohim – Adonai by imlivn4jesus
( 8 ) Shimcha Kadosh by wadowheels
( 9 ) Ma Navu (How Beautiful) by wadowheels
( 10 ) Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai (with lyrics) ברוך הבא בשם יהוה by aschat777
( 11 ) Ein Kamocha Elohim.wmv by ryantjie
( 12 ) Kumi Ori קומי אורי Arise and shine. Isaiah 60. by manalrium440mmk
( 13 ) El Gibor v’El Elyon – Lyrics and Translation by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 14 ) Enya – Echoes In Rain by enyatv
( 15 ) Enya – Only Time (Official Music Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 16 ) Enya – May It Be by Marius Malmstrøm
( 17 ) Enya – We are free now by Namy90
( 18 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 迷幻Fantasy(高畫質HD完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 19 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 大藝術家The Great Artist (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 20 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – Dr. Jolin(華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 21 ) Madonna – Bedtime Story (Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 22 ) Madonna – Ray Of Light by Warner Bros. Records
( 23 ) Beautiful Stranger~As Made Famous By Madonna by Sandy PichoneVille
( 24 ) Lady Gaga – Bad Romance by LadyGagaVEVO
( 25 ) Firework – Katy Perry lyrics by HopeLoveEarth
( 26 ) Stronger- Kelly Clarkson Lyrics by YayMoreZelda4Me
( 27 ) Oh The Blood / Ho Damo – Joshua Aaron – Lyrics by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 28 ) 一切都更新 (All Things New) – 約書亞樂團 by HosannaTheHighest ch
( 29 ) 一世人跟隨你 by washseacbcmember 古麟
( 30 ) 仰望/盛曉玫 by 陳思年
( 31 ) 腳步-盛曉玫-泥土音樂 by Ginlin Liao
( 32 ) 盛曉玫-《好好的過》 by hi44775828
( 33 ) 盼望 Hope – 盛曉玫 by HosannaTheHighest ch

Avinu Shebashamayim

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָׁמַיִם יִתְקַדֵשׁ שִׁמךָ

Avinu shebashamayim, yitkadesh shimkha.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

תָּבא מַלְכוּתֶךָ יֵעָשֶׂה רְצוֹנְךָ בָּאָרֶץ כַּאֲשֶר נַעֲשָׂה בַשָמַיִם

Tavo malkhutekha ye’aseh r’tzonekha ba’aretz ka’asher na’asah vashamayim.

Give us this day our daily bread.

תֶן לָנוּ הַיּוֹם לֶחֶם חֻקֵּנוּ

Ten-lanu haiym lechem chukeinu.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

וּסְלַח לָנוּ אֶת אַשְׁמָתֵנוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר סלְחִים אַנַחְנוּ לַאֲשֶׁר אָשְׁמוּ לָנוּ

u’selach-lanu et-ashmateinu ka’asher solechim anachnu la’asher ashmu lanu.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

וְאַל-תְּבִיאֵנוּ לִידֵי מַסָּה כִי אִם-הַצִילֵנוּ מִן-הָרָע

ve’al-tevieinu lidei massah, ki im-hatsileinu min-hara.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

כִּי לְךָ הַמַּמְלָכָה וְהַגְּבוּרָה וְהַתִפְאֶרֶת לְעוֹלְמֵי עוֹלָמִים אָמֵן

Ki lekha ha-mamlakha ve-hagevurah veha-tiferet l’olemei ’olamim. Amen.