I live in a world where people are not persecuted based on who they love.
The law says they should be, but it’s not actively enforced. So be thankful.
In other worlds, things are not so rosy. Within religious regimes, people are being persecuted for who they love. I actually didn’t have to care. It’s none of my business. But as a human being, I feel compassion for them. I feel that the principles of ethics and human rights should apply to them as well.
From a distance, enemies and friends are the same. They have no effect on me. It is easy to be brave from a distance. I am thankful for this piece of wisdom. I use words. Are words deeds? Yes they are. I may not be able to physically protect people at a distance. However, I encourage them to never give up. To have hope for a better world. Words can be considered as deeds.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
Go With The Flow (GWTF)
This helps in making decisions.
Last time I used to think of many alternatives. Like when I decided to buy a green tea cake, I wondered if a blueberry cheese cake would be better. And other choices. I was not able to decide. I kept calculating what the optimal choice was.
The first intention is almost always right. Don’t argue over it. Just do it.
However if external factors encourage you to change your mind, consider taking the path of least resistance.
The Man, the Son, and the Donkey were travelling along the road. This is the famous parable from Aesop’s Fables that launched a thousand memes. No matter which configuration they tried, they were met with criticisms. After trying all commonsensical permutations, they should have just settled with the simplest one, all animals equal.
Decide to help yourself and help the environment
Before buying something, go home and think about it first. That is if the product is almost certain to remain there for the following days at the same price. And price should not be so much of a factor for consideration. Poor people cannot afford to buy cheap goods. You should buy goods that last a long time. This also helps to conserve and to sustain mother nature.
Sharing for World Peace: “Let us all work together to help all human beings achieve dignity and equality; to build a greener planet; and to make sure no one is left behind.” — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon
More countries in the modern world support human rights for LGBTQIA people. Dictatorial countries may still not accept LGBTQIA people.
With DNA sequencing, the gay gene is identified. A small percentage of people seek to identify gay people and kill them. A number of homophobes are revealed to be actually gay. A number of homophobes will turn against the chief homophobe. Warcraft.
More ETFs committing acts of terrorism.
News will become more sensational and more useless.
Ethical Christianity gains momentum.
A number of Christian bigots will turn against the chief bigot. Warcraft.
Muslim reformation takes shape. Ethical Islam is created.
Naughty boy is assassinated before he releases the Naughty Boy Nuclear ICBM.
Genetic engineering research discovers a way to perform gene transforms. The gay gene can be eliminated. Ethical debates ensue.
Some gay people try the novel medical intervention. Some develop serious complications. The question of God arises. Hollywood movies are created.
Biotechnology research allows the gay gene to be selected away during conception. Many parents opt for this approach. This is found to be safe. This becomes the most popular gay treatment. Add-ons for other physical and mental characteristics come at a higher price.
Predictions: Gay homophobe rising up against the chief homophobe.
“But my 5 year old son is not gay!” a parent could say. There are two things wrong with this statement.
First, children are asexual. They do not have sexual attractions. The gay gene only expresses itself during hormonal changes. This occurs during puberty.
Second, the parent is imposing his own assumption on the sexual orientation of his son. His son if gay will therefore have to hide his sexuality when he realizes it. He will feel shameful and despised. He will not dare to reveal his sexual orientation. He will marry the opposite sex to satisfy his parents’ wishes. It will be an unhappy marriage as he does not love his wife. He will feel deprived of his same sex satisfaction. He will feel jealous of gay couples. He will become a homophobe. He will use derogatory terms on gay people. If he divorces his wife, his wife may feel cheated. If he has a son, he will continue the legacy of homophobia. The older generation thus passes down homophobia to the younger generation. The young people become old. They too cannot change.
Love is a strange thing. People have different sexual affinities. Some love fat people. Some love thin people. Some love tall people. Some love short people. Even if you ask them to change their sexual affinities, do you think they can change? Similarly, some love the same sex. Some love the different sex. Some love the same race. Some love the different race. Do you think they can change? Why should you force people to love something that they do not love? Why should you force people to hate something that they do not hate?
Stop using the derogatory terms. These terms promote hate, intolerance, and discrimination. Granted, people who are not the minority group do not feel shame and think there is nothing wrong with such terms.
I love movies denigrating aliens. Independence Day: Resurgence (2016 literally on this day) is a great movie. It is a break from the movies that denigrate a particular race or minority group. Some say aliens are not biblical so we shouldn’t watch them. But hey, dinosaurs are not biblical too. We still watch movies about dinosaurs. Don’t think that just because it wasn’t mentioned in the bible, it is not true. (Remember the time when Galileo said the Earth went round the sun?) Some people focus their energy on attacking a minority group such as gay people. Did you know that gay people are real? They are real human beings. Yes. They exist. About 10 percent of the world’s population are gay. They are a minority group. Did you know that humans don’t like to be insulted or attacked? That is why I like movies denigrating aliens. They provide a safe imaginary punching bag. Until such time when we discover otherwise. Then Hollywood may have to revise its policy. I believe that all sentient beings deserve to be loved and respected. All sentient beings deserve to be saved by the grace of God.
Wrecking Boat – Positive terms, gay people, and aliens
Positive Terms
Start using positive terms: rainbow people, people with non-standard sexual affinities, gay people, happy people, cheerful people, people like us, people born this way, LGBTQIA people etc.
Pray. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Don’t just read the books of your religion. Religious texts can preach intolerance and discrimination. Pray for accepting, affirming, and welcoming love.
If we were living in 1942 in East Europe and West Asia, it certainly would seem that way.
Is it a mistake to have been born a gay?
If we were living in 2016 in certain parts of the world (or 1942 Eastern European and Western Asian countries controlled by Nazi Germany), it certainly would seem that way.
Is it a mistake to have been born a spastic? In most parts of the world, in 1942 or 2016, it certainly would seem that way.
Does God make no mistakes, as Lady Gaga says?
It is hard to believe, some say.
I believe that God makes no mistakes. The racists, homophobes, and bigots are wrong.
I am what I am.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”
My religion is Ethical Christianity. For me, it is not enough just to be a Christian. One has to think about good things. One has to speak about good things. One has to do good things.
What is a Christian? Someone who says so? A cruel dictator claimed to be a Christian. He murdered innocent Jews, gays, and disabled people. He is not an Ethical Christian. He did not practise Ethical Christianity.
I will not digress into specifying who will go to heaven and who will go to hell. That is inconsequential for most of us.
If somebody’s religion says that Group X of people are going to hell, there will likely be hate crimes committed against Group X.
What horror awaits you if you happen to be born as Group X, according to your genetic code.
We can change.
The feel good factor of condemning the “other” to be cursed or go to hell can only last so long. Most people will be troubled by their conscience. They should not be cursing or condemning people to hell so easily.
However, power struggles are a different ball game. When an evil person wishes to gain power, he can create fear by openly condemning a vulnerable group of people. This group should not be able to defend itself. The evil person can write history and propaganda cursing and condemning a particular race, sexual orientation group, physically or mentally challenged people.
People start to assume that what they find disgusting, God also finds disgusting. For example, people may find disabled people disgusting. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that disabled people are disgusting. Without ethics, people are likely to shun or despise inferior people. That’s life. The strong bully the weak. Some do it subconsciously. Some do it without any qualms. There is a psychological basis for this. Have you ever seen an android or a life sized doll? You fear it because it looks so human-like and yet it is not human.
The brain has trouble pigeonholing. It fears the unknown. Fear leads to hate.
Brothers and sisters, this should not be so. Let us love one another, as God has loved us.
Quick Survey: Do you think that you become gay if you do not marry? Do you think that gays also deserve to be saved? Write me your comments in the section below!
I messed up tonight, I lost another fight/ 我搞砸一切 又再次落败
I still mess up but I’ll just start again/ 陷入困境 但我将重新开始
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground/ 总是失败 一次次跌倒
I always get up now to see what’s next/ 我会重新站起 面对全新的明天
Birds don’t just fly, they fall down and get up/ 鸟儿在翱翔前 曾经无数跌落天际和重新展翅
Nobody learns without getting it wrong/ 不经失败怎么会懂成功的甜美
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in/ 绝不放弃 绝不放手
Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again/ 直到终点 再重新启程
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything/ 不轻言放弃 全力以赴
I wanna try even though I could fail/ 就算可能失败 也要竭尽全力
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in/ 绝不放弃 绝不放手
Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again/ 直到终点 再重新启程
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything/ 不轻言放弃 全力以赴
I wanna try even though I could fail/ 就算可能失败 也要竭尽全力
Look at how far you’ve come, you filled your heart with love/ 回头看看你走过的路 你的心充满了爱
Baby you’ve done enough that cut your breath/ 你已经做得很好了
Don’t beat yourself up, don’t need to run so fast/ 别再自责 有些路是急不得的
Sometimes we come last, but we did our best/ 有时我们没有超越其他人 却突破了自己
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in/ 绝不放弃 绝不放手
Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again/ 直到终点 再重新启程
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything/ 不轻言放弃 全力以赴
I wanna try even though I could fail/ 就算可能失败 也要竭尽全力
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in/ 绝不放弃 绝不放手
Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again/ 直到终点 再重新启程
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything/ 不轻言放弃 全力以赴
I wanna try even though I could fail/ 就算可能失败 也要竭尽全力
I’ll keep on making those new mistakes/ 不断犯下新的错误
I’ll keep on making them every day/ 每天每天继续犯下
Those new mistakes/ 那些新的错误
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth.
Homophobes are actually repressed homosexuals.
Do you know why? Let me explain.
For a non-gay, the love of girls comes naturally. They were born that way. They never learned to do that. The love of guys just doesn’t exist. They accept that different people have different desires. These are the people who are strongly in favour of human rights for GBLT people.
It is the gay person who realizes that he has this tendency to love guys. He is taught by religious dogma that this desire is vile and must be suppressed. He lives in fear of being found out. He craves what he cannot get. Fear leads to hate.
When people crave the things they cannot get, they become fearful and hateful. Hence the common advice for homosexuals is to marry a wife. This leads to the propagation of the gay gene. This also explains why parents become so violent when they find out their child is a gay. They have become so indoctrinated by the religious dogma of homophobia, fear, and self-hate that they pour out this anger onto their child.
Although it goes against all reason, I must bring up another Hitler analogy. Did you know that Hitler fell madly in love with a Jewish girl? This is a true fact. He felt agonized by her rejection and unrequited love. The rest of the story is all too well known. The Holocaust was one of the worst human rights disasters in human history. Hitler’s Nazi followers gassed millions of Jews to death in German Gas Chambers. I’m not surprised if the Nazi murderer of the homosexuals was himself a repressed homosexual.
Blessed meek save homophobes
I wouldn’t want to defend Hitler but I would want to save the homophobes before it is too late.
God loves you just the way you are.
It’s not too late. I know you want to be free of this pain. You’re being torn apart. We love you. You have the strength to do it. We will help you. Come home.
Killing Jesus Trailer on YouTube – youtu.be/hgccekzzZ3Q
Hidden Inverted Rainbow (HIR)
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ”
Matthew 22:37-39 NIV http://bible.com/111/mat.22.37-39.niv
The Love Command: Make an intention to BE “love”, and see how your body instantly responds with the welling up of a warm, happy feeling. – Playing In Time And Space: The Miracle of Inspired Manifestations – Kindle edition by Richard Dotts.
Kelly Clarkson – Heartbeat Song
( 1 ) Vanessa Mae – I’m a Doun For Lack of Johnnie music video by circuitsage
( 2 ) 东方之珠 (滚石群星1991年TVB版) by zhjluster
( 4 ) He Leadeth Me_Hymnal_MV by lifemodes
( 5 ) I Call You by Rita Springer.wmv by betvasquez
( 6 ) Give Thanks To The Lord – Hodu La’Adonai by LevyBlahut
( 7 ) Come Spirit of God – Bo Ruach Elohim – Adonai by imlivn4jesus
( 8 ) Shimcha Kadosh by wadowheels
( 9 ) Ma Navu (How Beautiful) by wadowheels
( 10 ) Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai (with lyrics) ברוך הבא בשם יהוה by aschat777
( 11 ) Ein Kamocha Elohim.wmv by ryantjie
( 12 ) Kumi Ori קומי אורי Arise and shine. Isaiah 60. by manalrium440mmk
( 13 ) El Gibor v’El Elyon – Lyrics and Translation by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 14 ) Enya – Echoes In Rain by enyatv
( 15 ) Enya – Only Time (Official Music Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 16 ) Enya – May It Be by Marius Malmstrøm
( 17 ) Enya – We are free now by Namy90
( 18 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 迷幻Fantasy(高畫質HD完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 19 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 大藝術家The Great Artist (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 20 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – Dr. Jolin(華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 21 ) Madonna – Bedtime Story (Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 22 ) Madonna – Ray Of Light by Warner Bros. Records
( 23 ) Beautiful Stranger~As Made Famous By Madonna by Sandy PichoneVille
( 24 ) Lady Gaga – Bad Romance by LadyGagaVEVO
( 25 ) Firework – Katy Perry lyrics by HopeLoveEarth
( 26 ) Stronger- Kelly Clarkson Lyrics by YayMoreZelda4Me
( 27 ) Oh The Blood / Ho Damo – Joshua Aaron – Lyrics by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 28 ) 一切都更新 (All Things New) – 約書亞樂團 by HosannaTheHighest ch
( 29 ) 一世人跟隨你 by washseacbcmember 古麟
( 30 ) 仰望/盛曉玫 by 陳思年
( 31 ) 腳步-盛曉玫-泥土音樂 by Ginlin Liao
( 32 ) 盛曉玫-《好好的過》 by hi44775828
( 33 ) 盼望 Hope – 盛曉玫 by HosannaTheHighest ch
Many problems in this world are difficult, with high complexity. Mathematically speaking, they are NP-hard.
This means that the simplest way to solve them is by exhaustive search. In other words, to try every possible solution one by one, until you get the answer.
For example, Singapore’s “Primary 5” Cheryl Birthday question can be solved easily by an exhaustive search over her 10 given dates.
Albert and Bernard just met Cheryl. “When’s your birthday?” Albert asked Cheryl.
Cheryl thought a second and said, “I’m not going to tell you, but I’ll give you some clues.” She wrote down a list of 10 dates:
May 15, May 16, May 19
June 17, June 18
July 14, July 16
August 14, August 15, August 17
“My birthday is one of these,” she said.
Then Cheryl whispered in Albert’s ear the month — and only the month — of her birthday. To Bernard, she whispered the day, and only the day.
“Can you figure it out now?” she asked Albert.
Albert: I don’t know when your birthday is, but I know Bernard doesn’t know, either.
Bernard: I didn’t know originally, but now I do.
Albert: Well, now I know, too!
When is Cheryl’s birthday?
The trouble with many humans is that the moment they realize a problem is hard, they give up even before trying.
Thomas Edison said he didn’t fail a thousand times. He just found one thousand methods that didn’t work.
So when God gives you a challenge, it is to make you stronger.