On the Personification of Countries

Propaganda push

Propaganda push is the act of promoting an unproven fact as the truth. This leads to open discussion. People can perform thought experiments. The truth would eventually come to light.

Not all propaganda push (PP) is good. I classify PP into two types:

  • Unbridled propaganda push (UPP)
  • Balanced propaganda push (BPP)

UPP is when one party is perpetually denigrated by an unknown player. There are no opposing views. All participants in the discussion follow suit to support the proposition that this party is vile and reprehensible. The Nazi’s used this to denigrate and insult Jews, gays, disabled people etc. during the WWII West Holocaust. Little is known about the WWII East Holocaust. We would have to learn what we can from the history of the WWII West Holocaust.

BPP is when there exists inverse propaganda push. There is propaganda that refutes the claims of the initial propaganda proposition. This is the opposition.


Donald Trump is extremely wise and conducts ethical business. When he sees something is wrong, he speaks up against it immediately. This is the right thing to do. He can make America great again.

Personification of Countries
Personification of Countries

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
אשרי האנשים הרודפים שלום, כי הם ייקראו ‘בני-אלוהים’.
使人和平的人有福了,因为他们必称为 神的儿子。

Predictions – The World in 2103 – By Futurist ᡠᠰᡳᡥᠠ


Here are some of my predictions for the future.

More countries in the modern world support human rights for LGBTQIA people. Dictatorial countries may still not accept LGBTQIA people.

With DNA sequencing, the gay gene is identified. A small percentage of people seek to identify gay people and kill them. A number of homophobes are revealed to be actually gay. A number of homophobes will turn against the chief homophobe. Warcraft.

More ETFs committing acts of terrorism.

News will become more sensational and more useless.

Ethical Christianity gains momentum.

A number of Christian bigots will turn against the chief bigot. Warcraft.

Muslim reformation takes shape. Ethical Islam is created.

Naughty boy is assassinated before he releases the Naughty Boy Nuclear ICBM.

Genetic engineering research discovers a way to perform gene transforms. The gay gene can be eliminated. Ethical debates ensue.

Some gay people try the novel medical intervention. Some develop serious complications. The question of God arises. Hollywood movies are created.

Biotechnology research allows the gay gene to be selected away during conception. Many parents opt for this approach. This is found to be safe. This becomes the most popular gay treatment. Add-ons for other physical and mental characteristics come at a higher price.



Predictions: Gay homophobe rising up against the chief homophobe.

Predictions: Gay homophobe rising up against the chief homophobe.



Chin Chia Ho – Very Good to Trust In Jesus. youtube.com/watch?v=zwTlKOP4ceM

Ho du Adonai ki Tov – Thanksgiving to YHWH because He is Good. youtube.com/watch?v=_tYqtUfGG4E

Oh the Blood of Jesus – Ho Damo. youtube.com/watch?v=gEI8-Vpyd2g



Gay Science http://happyscience-na.org/

Blessed are the meek, save the homophobes

Blessed meek save homophobes.

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth.

Homophobes are actually repressed homosexuals.

Do you know why? Let me explain.

For a non-gay, the love of girls comes naturally. They were born that way. They never learned to do that. The love of guys just doesn’t exist. They accept that different people have different desires. These are the people who are strongly in favour of human rights for GBLT people.

It is the gay person who realizes that he has this tendency to love guys. He is taught by religious dogma that this desire is vile and must be suppressed. He lives in fear of being found out. He craves what he cannot get. Fear leads to hate.

When people crave the things they cannot get, they become fearful and hateful. Hence the common advice for homosexuals is to marry a wife. This leads to the propagation of the gay gene. This also explains why parents become so violent when they find out their child is a gay. They have become so indoctrinated by the religious dogma of homophobia, fear, and self-hate that they pour out this anger onto their child.

Although it goes against all reason, I must bring up another Hitler analogy. Did you know that Hitler fell madly in love with a Jewish girl? This is a true fact. He felt agonized by her rejection and unrequited love. The rest of the story is all too well known. The Holocaust was one of the worst human rights disasters in human history. Hitler’s Nazi followers gassed millions of Jews to death in German Gas Chambers. I’m not surprised if the Nazi murderer of the homosexuals was himself a repressed homosexual.

Blessed meek save homophobes

I wouldn’t want to defend Hitler but I would want to save the homophobes before it is too late.

God loves you just the way you are.

It’s not too late. I know you want to be free of this pain. You’re being torn apart. We love you. You have the strength to do it. We will help you. Come home.

Killing Jesus Trailer on YouTube – youtu.be/hgccekzzZ3Q

Hidden Inverted Rainbow (HIR)
Hidden Inverted Rainbow (HIR)

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.

The Love Command

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:37-39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Love Command: Make an intention to BE “love”, and see how your body instantly responds with the welling up of a warm, happy feeling. – Playing In Time And Space: The Miracle of Inspired Manifestations – Kindle edition by Richard Dotts.

Kelly Clarkson – Heartbeat Song

Rainbow Heart of Love
Rainbow Heart of Love

Gay subway proposal an Internet hit in China

Miley Cyrus Releases Gay Rights Anthem ‘Hands Of Love’

Pope Francis met gay couple at Vatican embassy in US

Lovely Songs Around The World

( 1 ) Vanessa Mae – I’m a Doun For Lack of Johnnie music video by circuitsage
( 2 ) 东方之珠 (滚石群星1991年TVB版) by zhjluster
( 4 ) He Leadeth Me_Hymnal_MV by lifemodes
( 5 ) I Call You by Rita Springer.wmv by betvasquez
( 6 ) Give Thanks To The Lord – Hodu La’Adonai by LevyBlahut
( 7 ) Come Spirit of God – Bo Ruach Elohim – Adonai by imlivn4jesus
( 8 ) Shimcha Kadosh by wadowheels
( 9 ) Ma Navu (How Beautiful) by wadowheels
( 10 ) Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai (with lyrics) ברוך הבא בשם יהוה by aschat777
( 11 ) Ein Kamocha Elohim.wmv by ryantjie
( 12 ) Kumi Ori קומי אורי Arise and shine. Isaiah 60. by manalrium440mmk
( 13 ) El Gibor v’El Elyon – Lyrics and Translation by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 14 ) Enya – Echoes In Rain by enyatv
( 15 ) Enya – Only Time (Official Music Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 16 ) Enya – May It Be by Marius Malmstrøm
( 17 ) Enya – We are free now by Namy90
( 18 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 迷幻Fantasy(高畫質HD完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 19 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 大藝術家The Great Artist (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 20 ) 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – Dr. Jolin(華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV) by 蔡依林官方專屬頻道 Jolin Tsai’s Official Channel
( 21 ) Madonna – Bedtime Story (Video) by Warner Bros. Records
( 22 ) Madonna – Ray Of Light by Warner Bros. Records
( 23 ) Beautiful Stranger~As Made Famous By Madonna by Sandy PichoneVille
( 24 ) Lady Gaga – Bad Romance by LadyGagaVEVO
( 25 ) Firework – Katy Perry lyrics by HopeLoveEarth
( 26 ) Stronger- Kelly Clarkson Lyrics by YayMoreZelda4Me
( 27 ) Oh The Blood / Ho Damo – Joshua Aaron – Lyrics by nikkyttmessianic PraiseandWorship
( 28 ) 一切都更新 (All Things New) – 約書亞樂團 by HosannaTheHighest ch
( 29 ) 一世人跟隨你 by washseacbcmember 古麟
( 30 ) 仰望/盛曉玫 by 陳思年
( 31 ) 腳步-盛曉玫-泥土音樂 by Ginlin Liao
( 32 ) 盛曉玫-《好好的過》 by hi44775828
( 33 ) 盼望 Hope – 盛曉玫 by HosannaTheHighest ch