Wolf Warrior 2 Win-Win

The Western war wagers say that Asians are inferior people. Wolf Warrior 2 #WW2 rebutted that it was in the past : The world’s most powerful bullies invaded and plundered Africa and Asia in 1900. They divided and looted Africa and Asia. Despite this, millions of Asians sacrificed their lives to help win World War II #WWII against the evil forces, not because Wonder Woman #WW saved the day as Hollywood fake news made some humans believe. I love the #Africans, the #Gays, and the #Jews because they also have been persecuted by racist and homophobic people. Now people all over the world are speaking up for them.

#Happy #Lunar #NewYear #CNY
#旺旺 #新年快乐 #希望
#❤ #Win-Win #❤ #WinWin #♥ #אהבה #💙 #爱 #💚 #愛 #💛 #יהוה #💜 #💝 #💓 #💖 #💗 #💞 #💟 #💌

腓立比书 2:4 CUNPSS #神

אל תעסקו כל הזמן רק בעניינים שלכם, אלא התעניינו גם באנשים אחרים ובמעשיהם.
אגרת פולוס השליח אל-הפיליפיים 2_4 HHH

…not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
Phil. 2:4 NIVUK

Wolf Warrior 2 Win-Win
Wolf Warrior 2 Win-Win


On the Personification of Countries

Propaganda push

Propaganda push is the act of promoting an unproven fact as the truth. This leads to open discussion. People can perform thought experiments. The truth would eventually come to light.

Not all propaganda push (PP) is good. I classify PP into two types:

  • Unbridled propaganda push (UPP)
  • Balanced propaganda push (BPP)

UPP is when one party is perpetually denigrated by an unknown player. There are no opposing views. All participants in the discussion follow suit to support the proposition that this party is vile and reprehensible. The Nazi’s used this to denigrate and insult Jews, gays, disabled people etc. during the WWII West Holocaust. Little is known about the WWII East Holocaust. We would have to learn what we can from the history of the WWII West Holocaust.

BPP is when there exists inverse propaganda push. There is propaganda that refutes the claims of the initial propaganda proposition. This is the opposition.


Donald Trump is extremely wise and conducts ethical business. When he sees something is wrong, he speaks up against it immediately. This is the right thing to do. He can make America great again.

Personification of Countries
Personification of Countries

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
אשרי האנשים הרודפים שלום, כי הם ייקראו ‘בני-אלוהים’.
使人和平的人有福了,因为他们必称为 神的儿子。

Inverse Book Cover People and Non-Zero Sum Games

Inverse Book Cover People:

A rude person who is a good person.

A friendly person who is an evil person.

Forward Book Cover People:

A rude person who is an evil person.

A friendly person who is a good person.


I cannot now make a generalization that one race is good and another race is evil.

Evil rulers can come from any race.

Zero Sum Games and Non-Zero Sum Games

The world is mainly composed of zero sum games. If one person gets a limited resource, there would be less of that resource available.

William Shakespeare said :

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Happiness is in your mind. Your attitude determines your happiness. Studies have shown that the situation does not influence your happiness as much as how your attitude determines your happiness.

Therefore you can see that happiness or gaiety is not a finite resource subject to zero sum games. A player can be gay without reducing the happiness of other players. This is a non-zero sum game. This is a win-win situation.

What better way to say that my existence does not threaten your existence ?

Let’s be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Fake news has always been around. It’s just that common people are getting smarter and wise up to the fakery of the news.

Don’t trust. Verify.

Powerful propaganda can cause people to believe that one race of humans is evil. We learn from the history of the Western and Eastern Holocausts the power of propaganda and mind control.


We should not make stereotypical generalizations about a particular race, religion, or sexual orientation group.

Evil rulers can emerge from any group of people.

To learn how God overcomes the evil rulers we should read the Book of Esther in the Bible.

Inverse Book Cover People and Non-Zero Sum Games
Inverse Book Cover People and Non-Zero Sum Games

God Bless