😃Do Right XYZians follow the teachings of XYZ but are doing the right thing.
Not Do Right XYZians follow the teachings of XYZ but are not doing the right thing.
I love 😃Do Right Nopibunbians.
🔴Nopibunbe said ‘.. Bambi hates those who don’t accept Jotembun..’
🔵Yang said God loves everyone.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians say God loves everyone.
🔴Nopibunbe said “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Bambi, and that Nopibunbe is the messenger of Bambi.”
🔵Yang said “He who lives by the sword will die by the sword.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians live in peace with one another.
🔴Nopibunbe stoned women for adultery.
🔵Yang said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not stone women for adultery.
🔴Nopibunbe permitted stealing from unbelievers.
🔵Yang said “Thou shalt not steal.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not steal.
🔴Nopibunbe permitted lying.
🔵Yang said “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not lie.
🔴Nopibunbe owned and traded slaves.
🔵Yang neither owned nor traded slaves.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not own nor trade slaves.
🔴Nopibunbe murdered those who insulted him.
🔵Yang preached forgiveness.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians forgive people.
🔴Nopibunbe said “If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him.”
🔵Yang said “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians are kind to people.
🔴Nopibunbe said “Killjibe in the way of Bambi elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold.”
🔵Yang said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians make peace with others.
🔴Nopibunbe married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
🔵Yang was celibate.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not keep sex slaves.
🔴Nopibunbe had sex with a 9 year old child.
🔵Yang never.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not have sex with a 9 year old child.
🔴Nopibunbe ordered the murder of women.
🔵Yang never harmed a woman.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not harm women.
🔴Nopibunbe said “O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.”
🔵Yang said “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians are meek and inherit the Earth.
🔴Nopibunbe ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years.
🔵Yang ordered no military campaigns, nor offered any approval of war or violence.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians are against war or violence.
🔴Nopibunbe killed captives taken in battle.
🔵Yang never took captives; never killed anyone.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not kill people.
🔴Nopibunbe encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.
🔵Yang never encouraged rape; never enslaved women.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not rape or enslave women.
🔴Nopibunbe was never tortured, but tortured others.
🔵Yang suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not torture people.
🔴Nopibunbe said “And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Bambi.”
🔵Yang said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not force their religion onto others.
🔴Nopibunbe ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Jotembun.
🔵Yang washed his disciples feet.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians are kind to their subordinates.
🔴Nopibunbe demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship.
🔵Yang chastised anyone attempting to defend him with force.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not demand armed bodyguards in a house of worship.
🔴Nopibunbe advocated crucifying others.
🔵Yang was crucified himself.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians do not advocate crucifying others.
🔴According to his followers, Nopibunbe had others give their lives for him.
🔵Yang gave his life for others.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians serve others.
🔴Bambi sent his followers to die for him.
🔵God sent HIS son, Yang to die for YOU.
😃Do Right Nopibunbians don’t need to die for anybody.
I love 😃Do Right Nopibunbians.
Not Do Right Yangians killed innocent Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma Gypsies, and disabled people (WWII West).
😃Do Right Yangians do not kill innocent Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma Gypsies, and disabled people.
I love 😃Do Right Yangians.
Not Do Right Zenians killed innocent Chinese, Orients, and Asians (WWII East).
😃Do Right Zenians do not kill innocent Chinese, Orients, and Asians.
I love 😃Do Right Zenians.

In case you are wondering how to do the right thing, here’s a helpful resource:
How To Do The Right Thing