Be Thankful
Be thankful for the world we live in.
I live in a world where people are not persecuted based on who they love.
The law says they should be, but it’s not actively enforced. So be thankful.
In other worlds, things are not so rosy. Within religious regimes, people are being persecuted for who they love. I actually didn’t have to care. It’s none of my business. But as a human being, I feel compassion for them. I feel that the principles of ethics and human rights should apply to them as well.
From a distance, enemies and friends are the same. They have no effect on me. It is easy to be brave from a distance. I am thankful for this piece of wisdom. I use words. Are words deeds? Yes they are. I may not be able to physically protect people at a distance. However, I encourage them to never give up. To have hope for a better world. Words can be considered as deeds.

Go With The Flow (GWTF)
This helps in making decisions.
Last time I used to think of many alternatives. Like when I decided to buy a green tea cake, I wondered if a blueberry cheese cake would be better. And other choices. I was not able to decide. I kept calculating what the optimal choice was.
The first intention is almost always right. Don’t argue over it. Just do it.
However if external factors encourage you to change your mind, consider taking the path of least resistance.
The Man, the Son, and the Donkey were travelling along the road. This is the famous parable from Aesop’s Fables that launched a thousand memes. No matter which configuration they tried, they were met with criticisms. After trying all commonsensical permutations, they should have just settled with the simplest one, all animals equal.
Decide to help yourself and help the environment
Before buying something, go home and think about it first. That is if the product is almost certain to remain there for the following days at the same price. And price should not be so much of a factor for consideration. Poor people cannot afford to buy cheap goods. You should buy goods that last a long time. This also helps to conserve and to sustain mother nature.