Blessed meek save homophobes.
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth.
Homophobes are actually repressed homosexuals.
Do you know why? Let me explain.
For a non-gay, the love of girls comes naturally. They were born that way. They never learned to do that. The love of guys just doesn’t exist. They accept that different people have different desires. These are the people who are strongly in favour of human rights for GBLT people.
It is the gay person who realizes that he has this tendency to love guys. He is taught by religious dogma that this desire is vile and must be suppressed. He lives in fear of being found out. He craves what he cannot get. Fear leads to hate.
When people crave the things they cannot get, they become fearful and hateful. Hence the common advice for homosexuals is to marry a wife. This leads to the propagation of the gay gene. This also explains why parents become so violent when they find out their child is a gay. They have become so indoctrinated by the religious dogma of homophobia, fear, and self-hate that they pour out this anger onto their child.
Although it goes against all reason, I must bring up another Hitler analogy. Did you know that Hitler fell madly in love with a Jewish girl? This is a true fact. He felt agonized by her rejection and unrequited love. The rest of the story is all too well known. The Holocaust was one of the worst human rights disasters in human history. Hitler’s Nazi followers gassed millions of Jews to death in German Gas Chambers. I’m not surprised if the Nazi murderer of the homosexuals was himself a repressed homosexual.
Blessed meek save homophobes
I wouldn’t want to defend Hitler but I would want to save the homophobes before it is too late.
God loves you just the way you are.
It’s not too late. I know you want to be free of this pain. You’re being torn apart. We love you. You have the strength to do it. We will help you. Come home.
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Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.