Facebook Dislike Button

The Facebook Dislike Button is for people who are actively searching for things they don’t like, which some people love to do. Some people love to complain. They complain about how certain things are being done even though they have no ability to do it themselves. Some Christians complain that a disadvantaged minority is going to get equal rights under the law, because they fear that somehow or another their own rights would be in jeopardy, even though this fear is unfounded.

I have trolls who are very eager to throw in racist, homophobic, or hate speech whenever they find an opportunity to do so. They are smart too. Some of them combine hate speech with praising/slandering political parties and create WhatsApp-ready wildfire gossips.

Chin Chia Cham
Chin Chia Cham



蔡依林 Jolin Tsai – 不一樣又怎樣 We’re All Different, Yet The Same (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV)

The Time Traveller Analogy

(If God can perform gene transforms, why doesn’t God make me ABC/XYZ?)

Some things are easier said than done. For example, time travel.

Suppose that time travel is commonplace and there are many time travellers.

Suppose one day, or from one day onwards, time travellers say that God hates non-time travellers, that non-time travellers are immoral and have no moral values.

How would the non-time travellers feel about it? They would of course wish to become time travellers. But they can’t.

God can do anything. Suppose that God chooses a subset of non-time travellers and performs a gene transform on them, such that they become time travellers. Will they also have this time-traveller pride and say that God hates non-time travellers?


Allah Roh Kudus ❤ Holy Spirit God

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord. (‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38-39‬ TLV)

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Sebab aku yakin, bahwa tidak ada yang dapat memisahkan kita dari kasih Allah, — baik kematian maupun hidup, malaikat maupun roh-roh yang memerintah, semua yang terjadi sekarang maupun yang akan datang, kuasa-kuasa, sesuatu yang di atas kita maupun yang di bawah kita, atau sesuatu yang terdapat dalam dunia ini, — tidak ada yang dapat memisahkan kita dari kasih Allah, yang kita temukan dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita. (‭Roma‬ ‭8‬:‭38-39‬ AMD)
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Yellow Golden Land
Yellow Golden Land

God Mode

Picking one of multiple contradictory viewpoints and claiming God says what you want to say.

The statement is most likely the same as that which another person used God Mode on you.

This leads to a propagation of God Mode statements.


Such a skill is possessed by followers of monotheistic religions based on ancient text written by humans who lived thousands of years ago.

They fail to understand that modern science, technology, and ethics should be used to correct the outdated perceptions of Homo sapiens who lived several hundred years ago.

Actions speak louder than words.

God Mode is not limited to words alone. For example, a homophobic Christian may murder a person because of the victim’s sexual orientation. He can be said to be practising God Mode in action. He thinks his action is right (by following God’s order) but it is clearly wrong. He has chosen to ignore the part of the bible that says he should not kill. He has chosen to follow the part of the bible that says he should get rid of people with non-standard sexual orientations. Also, the person who practises God Mode is an expert at Double Speak, such as “accepting but not affirming” or “disapproval is not stigmatization” or “wicked is good”. He can hold two contradictory viewpoints in his mind and think that they are both true. Those who say they don’t affirm actually don’t accept and hopes the whole world does not accept a certain minority group. Those who express disapproval are actually contributing to the stigmatization of the minority group. This leads to more people using God Mode to justify hate crimes.

To all the homophobic Christians who justify murder:


Are you very sure they are not born this way ?

Homophobic Pride.

The sense of superiority that a gay (usually Christian) person has when he (possibly out of innocent ignorance) thinks he is able to “overcome” his homosexual tendencies that he believes is offensive.

Example of usage : He was parading his homophobic pride again, causing more LGBTQIA people to commit suicide or be expelled from homes onto the streets, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Homophobic pride can be very gentle, such as persuading an LGBTQIA person to stop being an LGBTQIA person. Are you really sure they are not born this way ?

Celebration of Diversity

What can we do ? We can accept LGBTQIA people for being who they are. Everybody is born differently. Let us celebrate diversity. Let us practise Ethical Christianity. Let us let love win.