Analogies and the Wear White III (WW3) Movement

HH felt that DD was always or almost always wrong.

HH cannot and will not endorse DD.

HH will continue to resist any public promotion of DD.

The HH movement was to defend the official position of the government.

HH was a Christian and had been accepted and affirmed by the Pope.

HH murdered millions of DD in toxic gas chambers.

HH was not born this way as one of the DD.

HH says the majority of the population appear to be against DD.

The people were afraid to stand up against HH.

YouTube Video People Like Us:

Kelly Clarkson – People Like Us


Cloze Passage Words

Let us learn some new words.

Wear White
Wear Blue
Wear Red
Wear Rainbow
Happy Rainbow
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Echo Chamber
Truth By Consensus
Madness Of Crowds
Tyranny Of The Majority
Illusory Correlation
Confirmation Bias


Mono No Aware


Wishful Thinking
Black And White Thinking


Arbeit Macht Frei
Moral Relativism


This hatred of happy rainbow people is destroying the family unit because sons and daughters are rejected for being who they are, for being born this way, leading to depression, suicidal thoughts, and negativity.


During the apartheid, racism was considered a universally accepted norm and a public good. The same is true for homophobia today. The same was true of slavery. The same was true of the Earth-centred universe during the time of Galileo Galilei.


HH was selfish because they did not want DD to participate in the happiness that they enjoyed.

HH used religious propaganda to dehumanize DD, thereby justifying their exclusion from the basic human rights of freedom, truth, and love.

HH identified DD as the common enemy so that he could gain power and authority through the dogma of fear.

If we don’t fight, we have already lost. It is human nature to be selfish. The happy rainbow people have already lost by numbers alone.

We are outnumbered 72 to 1. We need to punch 72 times our own weight. In the name of the Ancient of Days, Jesus the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, and the 72 names of God, let my people be free.


YouTube marriage equality video:

#ProudToLove – Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month

The happy rainbow people would rather use logic and ethics instead of violence because they believe in happiness for all people, *including themselves*.

In many countries around the world, we are not as lucky to enjoy the liberty that the United States upholds in its constitution.

Whilst the Jews of Europe were the Nazis’ primary target, many millions of other people were also imprisoned, enslaved and murdered. These people included Roma, those with mental or physical disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, trade unionists, political opponents, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.

38 Sebab aku yakin, bahwa tidak ada yang dapat memisahkan kita dari kasih Allah, — baik kematian maupun hidup, malaikat maupun roh-roh yang memerintah, semua yang terjadi sekarang maupun yang akan datang,
39 kuasa-kuasa, sesuatu yang di atas kita maupun yang di bawah kita, atau sesuatu yang terdapat dalam dunia ini, — tidak ada yang dapat memisahkan kita dari kasih Allah, yang kita temukan dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita.

38 因为我深信:无论是死、是生,是天使、是掌权的,是现在的事,是将来的事,是有能力的,
39 是高天的、是深渊的,或是任何别的被造之物,都不能叫我们与 神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主耶稣基督里的。


Lecture on biology YouTube link:

596 Homosexuality, Biology and Sexuality

Takehome message:

Mothers with high stress during pregnancy are likely to give birth to children with nonstandard sexual orientations. Therefore, if you are pregnant please relax and be kind to people.
Fetus to Mom: You’re Stressing Me Out!


The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.


Our friend used to love to wear white, but has stopped wearing white because of the hateful and selfish Wear White movement that promotes homophobia and discrimination against LGBT people.

I have been wearing white but that does not mean I support the Wear White movement. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Fear leads to hate. Please do not fear the happy rainbow people.


Wear Blue.

To be more educated and unselfish. To accept and affirm our colourblind brothers and sisters. To make the world a better place for colourblind people, poor people, left handed people, dwarfs, giants, Kleinfelters, Turners, Aspergers, the deaf, the mute, the blind, the physically or mentally handicapped, the LGBTQIA people, the fatherless, the motherless, the orphans, the abused, the neglected, the afflicted, the coloured, the uneducated, the atheists, the philosophers, the slaves, the have nots, the childless, the widows, the widowers, the bachelors, the spinsters, the singles, the fat, the ugly, the old, and the childlike.
Designing For (and With) Color Blindness


Wear Red.

To love one another as Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve, regardless of whether you are born this way or that way.


Wear the Rainbow.

To celebrate diversity.


I have been wearing white because the seven colours of the rainbow are found in white light. Also, I have been wearing white to show my affiliation to the most powerful political party of our Milky Way Galaxy – a form of mimicry – haha.

I have been wearing white to look youthful because white is the colour of my school uniform.

Also, please wear white if you are riding a motorcycle so that you look like the traffic police and selfish road users will not bully you.

Please wear white when you go to a Chinese funeral to respect their customs.

Please wear white if you are a doctor, a nurse, or a security guard. This shows that you love your work.

Wear white to keep cool by reflecting the sun’s radiation especially in a sunny island set in the sea.

Wear white when you go to an equality marriage, when you go for an interview, or when you attend a Ku Klux Klan masquerade ball.

Wave the white flag if you surrender. Wave the rainbow flag if you celebrate diversity.

Wear black to support minority rights.

Wear yellow to let people love who they love and don’t fight.

Wear green to be more concerned about saving planet Earth than fighting over who is allowed to love who.

Wear orange to compare apples with apples and compare oranges with oranges.

Wear purple to be laid back and enjoy watching the minions wage their war.

Wear words to show that you are literate.

Wear pink to be nonchalant.


Here’s what happens to Pink Dot/Triangle supporters.

DD in HH concentration camps.
DD in HH concentration camps.

Hey look! They are wearing white too! Hurray!

Please Shut Down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

Please Shut Down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

Dear YuLin Governor Chen Wu:

We are writing you to request that the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government must cancel the “Dog Meat Festival” that is held on June 22 in Yulin. As foreigners who have great respect for the Chinese people and Chinese civilization, We are saddened to learn that the Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” still exists in a modern civilized society. We believe that this event has no place in the 21st century. We adamantly voice our strong opposition to this barbaric “festival” for the following five reasons:

First, China is the country with the second largest number of rabies cases in the world. The Yulin government itself admitted in 2007 that the city was one of the hardest hit by rabies outbreaks. According to a news report (, 338 rabies cases were reported in Yulin between 2002 and 2006. All of the infected people died from this disease. The annual economic cost to Yulin amounted to 6.67 million Yuan. Based on the toll the disease is taking on the health of the city’s residents, the authorities in Yulin should be doing everything they can to prevent the spread of the disease. Dogs transported for days in crowded conditions to Yulin, with compromised immunity systems, are known to be vulnerable to the spread of illnesses. Allowing the “Dog Meat Festival” to continue is a sign of a lack of vigilance at the very least. Given the national government’s policy on rabies prevention and control, it might even be construed as wanton contempt and total negligence of the public. In the interest of public health, disease prevention, and enforcement of the national government’s policies, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government should put an end to the event.

Second, the “Dog Meat Festival” can potentially undermine social stability, aggravate existing social conflicts, and sabotage the central government’s efforts to build a harmonious society. A significant number of the dogs sold on the market, according to Chinese activist investigations, are stolen household pets or are watch dogs of rural families. The recent retaliative, brutal assault on dog thieves by victims of dog theft indicates the potentially explosive nature of confrontations between dog owners and the dog meat industry. Frankly, the violent action by the villagers in Guangxi was a reaction to the fact that local law enforcement had long failed to protect the interest of the dog owners. Allowing the “Dog Meat Festival” to continue is like endorsing dog theft, which supplies the dog meat industry. It could seriously damage the authority of the government and the credibility of state laws. If dog theft continues, violent confrontations between dog owners and animal lovers and the dog meat industry will escalate and intensify, potentially leading to mass unrest. The government can prevent such a situation from developing by ending the Yulin “Dog Meat Festival.”

Third, the Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” is a dangerous food safety issue. Dogs sold on the market are sick and dying animals. They suffer from horrendous conditions during the long distance, trans-provincial journeys. China does NOT have dog farms. There are no national or local standards to ensure the safety of dog meat since dogs are not raised for food. Sick or contaminated dogs can pass illnesses to humans in the course of transport, slaughter, and food preparations. It has also been reported that some dogs have been poisoned during their capture and carry toxins in their body. The govenment cannot afford to ignore this public health issue. It is therefore imperative for the government to shut down the “Dog Meat Festival” and prevent the onset of a SARS-like disease and massive deaths.

Fourth, the Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” exposes young people to violence. During the festival, the streets of Yulin flow with dog blood, since dogs are often slaughtered in public. Have the dog meat dealers ever considered the reaction of the people who walk by? Have they ever considered the feelings of the young children who witness the brutality on their way to school? The wanton imposition of bloody scenes on the public can cause severe mental distress and psychological trauma to people, particularly school children. Studies have long shown that exposure to violence can desensitize youth and cause them to later commit acts of cruelty and abuse. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government and its official Women Federation are obligated to stand up and to protect the young people from being forced to witness this brutal spectacle.

Fifth, although the “Dog Meat Festival” has been promoted as a local “folk custom,” it is not  really a local culinary culture. It is a commercial activity masquerading as a regional tradition.  No culture or local custom is a defense of a practice that runs counter to human progress. Despite strong resistance, foot-binding, opium-smoking, and arranged marriage — so-called Chinese traditional practices — were ended without jeopardizing the Chinese culture. In fact, Chinese civilization has since experienced a spirited rejuvenation and China’s pace of progress has not been slowed one bit.  To glorify the Chinese culture, the government must eliminate outdated practices that represent forces of the past and that damage the reputation of the mainstream Chinese culture.

Finally, Guangxi has breathtaking natural beauty that attracts millions of domestic and international tourists. The Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” is internationally perceived as a disgrace to this region. In June 2014, the festival was condemned by more than 100,000 people around the world within a short span of a few days. The event has already tarnished the reputation of Guangxi and will have a negative consequence on commerce and on the tourism industry.

We appeal to you to act in the interest of public health, food safety, child welfare, and the reputation of Guangxi and China. The Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” is not a regional “folk custom.” It is a business operation that undermines the national and public interest. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government is at a historical juncture. The “Dog Meat Festival” must end.


Mr. Li Keqiang

Prime Minister, State Council, People’s Republic of China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Agriculture

State General Administration of Food and Drug

State Commission of Public Health and Family Planning

Ministry of Public Security

State General Administration of Tourism




















Happy Dog
Happy Dog

Faito Paiting Geili

Fight Song

Rachel Platten – Fight Song (Official Lyric Video)

If people cannot accept you as who you are, you have to masquerade.

History repeats itself.

You have modern unethical Christians/Hitlers spawned all the time.

They invent stories to promote hate towards minority groups.

They make sure they make life difficult for happy rainbow people.

Tip for survival: Plausible deniability.

State the facts but don’t commit.

When people try to accuse you, you can say that you never say.

Faito Paiting Geili
Faito Paiting Geili