Ethical Christianity (EC)



Christians can lie.

Christians can cheat.

Christians can hate.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this should not be so.

All Christians need to go for a course in Ethics and Integrity.



Don’t think that something is right just because you “feel” it is right.

If you think just by reading the bible you have a complete understanding of Ethics and Morality, you are wrong.

Hitler read the bible too, and he sure used it effectively in his propaganda, resulting in the Western Holocaust, the persecution of millions of Jews, Homosexuals, Disabled People etc.

Ethical principles are derived from philosophical analysis, from fundamental universal axioms.

Some related readings for Ethical Christianity:



Charles Camosy
For Love Of Animals
Christian Ethics, Consistent Action



Hugh Price Hughes
Ethical Christianity
Forgotten Books

I am a simple man so many philosophical concepts are way above my head.

If you only know one you should know this principle: The Golden Rule:
Do to others what you would want them to do to you.
If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition, I cannot agree with you – Q&A

A person should not be punished for being born this way.
1984 Apple’s First Macintosh Commercial

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4 thoughts on “Ethical Christianity (EC)”

  1. All People are born in sin and the gay people are born in that sin.

    Sin is not normal.

    Romans 1:32
    New King James Version (NKJV)
    32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

    Do not support any gay rights.
    All gay Christians are saved but if you approve of their sins you will be accountable for the same sins even if you are not gay.

    Comment from Gelivable (Identity anonymized to protect the privacy of the original poster, Comment copied verbatim)

  2. I never approve of anybody’s sins. Happy to hear your view that all gay Christians are saved because ethically, a person should not be punished for being born in a certain race, a certain sexual orientation, or having a certain disability. Some people make sweeping feel good statements that such people are going to hell. I am sure God would not let a person to be born and definitely go to hell no matter what he did, just because he was born a certain way. My wish is that there is no more hatred in the world.

  3. well such people do not understand the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ because all people are equally sinful and deserve the same punishment and everlasting death and suffering in the lake of fire.

    Comment from Gelivable (Identity anonymized to protect the privacy of the original poster, Comment copied verbatim)

  4. My wish is to help such people to understand the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All people are equally sinful and deserve death but the Infinite Mercy of Jesus Christ saves them if they believe. Good ideas should be shared and this is the best idea in the world.

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