It’s not a choice

I can understand why a lot of people especially those with identity sexual orientation say that it is a choice.

They have experienced persecution in history e.g. during Hitler’s Holocaust.

To say that they were born this way is to admit that they were born lesser beings, disabled people.

Hitler had a strong dislike for disabled people, and he was a very powerful man.

Disabled people would be exterminated by Hitler.

Therefore, those with identity sexual orientation would proclaim that it is a choice, like a fashion.

This way, Hitler would not kill them, because they could easily change their sexual orientation.

Science and technology has progressed by leaps and bounds.

The smart phone that you hold in your hands today has more computing power than all of NASA when they sent the first man to the moon.

This lie cannot be upheld any more.

It is not a choice. It is in your DNA. Soon, you will have nowhere to hide.

It is time to speak out against persecution.

Christians hold many powerful positions in the world today, because many Christian have high moral values.

The danger is in reading only one book. This would result in a closed mind.

Did you know that even the wordings of this one book was strongly debated when it was written?

There is a powerful feedback loop that is going on in the Earth’s propaganda.

The notion that humans with nonstandard sexual orientations are decadent, repulsive, going to hell etc.

This is not true.

People with nonstandard sexual orientations can be perfectly normal Christians.

Please, let us share the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ with these people.

All humans have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

YHWH is Infinite Justice. All humans have to die because of their sins. (Ezekiel 18:20)

Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is Infinite Mercy. All who believe in Him would be saved and have everlasting life. (John 3:15)



Related reading:
DNA Data Storage Just Got a Bit More Practical
By Dexter Johnson
Kelly Clarkson – Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

Ethical Christianity (EC)



Christians can lie.

Christians can cheat.

Christians can hate.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this should not be so.

All Christians need to go for a course in Ethics and Integrity.



Don’t think that something is right just because you “feel” it is right.

If you think just by reading the bible you have a complete understanding of Ethics and Morality, you are wrong.

Hitler read the bible too, and he sure used it effectively in his propaganda, resulting in the Western Holocaust, the persecution of millions of Jews, Homosexuals, Disabled People etc.

Ethical principles are derived from philosophical analysis, from fundamental universal axioms.

Some related readings for Ethical Christianity:



Charles Camosy
For Love Of Animals
Christian Ethics, Consistent Action



Hugh Price Hughes
Ethical Christianity
Forgotten Books

I am a simple man so many philosophical concepts are way above my head.

If you only know one you should know this principle: The Golden Rule:
Do to others what you would want them to do to you.
If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition, I cannot agree with you – Q&A

A person should not be punished for being born this way.
1984 Apple’s First Macintosh Commercial